Newcastle photographer

The Golden Threads

I have been listening to talks from the Newcastle writers fest that I had the pleasure of covering a little while ago. And one speaker in particular talked about the golden threads. This concept of paying attention to and creating with the golden threads, that tie us all together. Pieces like joy, love, companionship, community, those golden threads that tie us together. So I’ve started a new mums group, you can find details on my instagram. Its for new mums, and older mums coming together in community to support each other. Its weekly. the day and place changes but it will usually be once a week. I think community is one of those golden threads. One that is worth pulling on and creating with. As a photographer I dip in and out of peoples lives. I see people in their joy and in their love. I see them show up with vulnerability. But getting to be a piece of the fabric of Newcastle community I think is where I want to head.

Tess Lehman